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How we work




  • Developed for and used by all branches of the U.S. Military & now available for commercial use

  • Accepted by the US EPA Safer Choice Standard as products Designed for the Environment (DfE) as a safer alternative to conventional cleaning products.

  • Approved by the US EPA National Contingency Plan (NCP) as part of the U.S. Government's blueprint for responding to both oil spills and hazardous substance releases. 

Bioremediation is the natural process of biologically converting hazardous chemicals, such as hydrocarbons, into carbon dioxide and water using microbes, enzymes, oxygen and other nutrients.

These powerful organic enzymes and microbes eat away at oily grime and turn them into water without using harmful toxins. Our natural and eco-friendly cleaning solution is not only uncompromisingly dependable and safe, but outperforms traditional cleaner & degreasers.
Through the EPA's Safer Choice program, the EPA recognizes our products to do what they say, the way they say it, & with no adverse effects on you or the environment! 
Why is it important to you?
Traditional degreasers only emulsify and re-deposit oil, grease, & grime onto other surfaces such as your cleaning tools - mops, mop buckets, floor scrubbers, etc. This oily coating quickly reduces their effectiveness, and can actually cause you to spread the oil throughout your facility, which significantly increases your clean up costs.
Absorbents are messy, leaving behind an oily film that requires more labor & costs to clean. It is easily tracked throughout your facility & must be disposed of by third party waste disposal companies - again, significantly increasing your clean-up & disposal costs. 
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Most important - bluwatr Oil Eliminator saves you money!
  • bluwatr Oil Eliminator cleans more effectively than traditional cleaner / degreasers.
    • Traditional degreasers -
      • Emulsifying degreasers breaks oil and grease down into smaller oil droplets as you mop or wipe up a spill. BUT - the actual oil is still present. As a result, when you wring out your mop or rag, the oil droplets are deposited into your cleaning solution. Those oil droplets then create a film on the surfaces of your cleaning solution and equipment. When you put your mop or rag back into your cleaning solution, those oil droplets cling to your mop or rag, and you transfer them back to your facility.   
      • When you are finally ready to dispose of your dirty cleaning solution, you must treat it as hazardous waste, because it is contaminated with those emulsified oil droplets floating in it.
    • bluwatr Oil Eliminator -
      • Through bioremediation, bluwatr Oil Eliminator literally digest the oil and grease, converting it into carbon dioxide and water. So as you clean with bluwatr Oil Eliminator, the enzymes and microbes eat away at the oily mess.
      • Additionally, the enzymes and microbes travel in the liquid cleaning solution, so they can clean deep inside cracks, crevices, and other porous surfaces and are not dependent on being wiped up by a mop or rag.
      • And any residual oil that is transferred to the cleaning solution is also digested.
      • Even when you are finished cleaning up an oily mess from your floors or equipment, bluwatr Oil Eliminator continues cleaning your dirty mops, mop buckets, floor scrubbers, etc, extending the life of your equipment by as much as 33%.
      • By consuming the hydrocarbon molecules at the source of the spill, bluwatr Oil Eliminator helps eliminate contaminated waste water and solids (oils & oil absorbents) from entering your waste water and hazardous waste disposal systems, significantly reducing your overall cleanup costs.
      • Eliminating the hydrocarbons allows your floors & surfaces to dry quicker, reducing their slipperiness, increasing your traction, & reducing the risk of slip & fall injuries at your facility.
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How it works

“Oil Eliminator Cleaner & Degreaser is the only product that we use. We own a gas station and it is the only product we use to clean the fuel pumps – especially the diesel pumps.” S. Patel – Texas

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